The steps we must take to reach gender equality
Ingrid Lotze
#MenAreTrash, #MeToo, #EqualityCantWait… Diversity and inclusion advocate, Ingrid Lotze, makes the point that there has never been more of a focus on gender equality in the world than there is now. In recent times, we’ve seen a proliferation of protest marches, training programmes, and dialogue sessions of all kinds, around this issue. Yet, the general consensus is that we will not see widespread equality between men and women any time soon, certainly not in this lifetime. Why is this? Ingrid believes that the reason is that on a granular level, we humans don’t know where to start. “There’s something missing from all the noise,” she says. That thing is the set of skills we need to carry out the big change that we must make. She offers two conceptual adjustments, and lists four actions we must take.
Ingrid is co-founder of Hers&His, and a diversity and inclusion advocate.