Countdown SPRINTS
To a better, greener, healthier, thriving, resilient, fairer, cooler, creative future.
TEDxJohannesburg proudly participated in TED's climate initiative, Countdown, through a global creative boot camp for visual artists. Building upon our initial involvement in 2021, we joined forces with eleven other TEDx events to simplify complex climate information and inspire visions of hopeful futures.
Teaming up with Fine Acts, our activation partners, TEDxJohannesburg Countdown SPRINTS featured seven visual artists in intense 48-hour creative sprints, from 17 to 19 November 2023. Following this, on 12 December 2023, we hosted a pop-up exhibition at Workshop17 The Bank in Rosebank.
Our initiative aimed to contribute to global campaigns, showcasing the best pieces online in the Artists for Climate collection, on TED platforms, and the TEDxJohannesburg website. These works are freely available for anyone to use under an open licence for global activism.
Our collaboration with Countdown reflects our dedication to nurturing creative solutions and catalysing positive change for our planet and future generations.
Scroll down for the TEDxJohannesburg Countdown 2023 Climate Collection.
Ideas change everything.
Empty Tank/Flower Grenade/Planet Hourglass/Ghost in the Shell
Neo Rakgajane
She is Fragile
Naledi Modupi
Treassured Earth
Rendani Nemakhavhani
Choose Sustainable Architecture
Moon Mokgoro
Oceans Blue, Planet Green
Waylan Rooi
Walking on Shells/Earth is Talking/Poisoning the Water
Serai Lobelo
Walking on Shells/Earth is Talking/Poisoning the Water